
羅伯特·詹姆斯·華勒 (Robert James Waller) 筆下的麥迪遜廊橋就在愛荷華州。1989 年 凱文·柯斯納 (Keven Costner) 主演的《夢幻成真》中的棒球場也在這裡。務必在歷史公園酒店 (Historic Park Inn Hotel) 預訂一間客房,這家酒店也是建築設計師弗蘭克·勞埃德·賴特 (Frank Lloyd Wright) 在全世界唯一留下的酒店。美國第 31 任總統赫伯特·胡佛 (Herbert Hoover) 的出生地和總統圖書館同樣值得一遊。而被譽為「世界第八奇景」的救贖石窟 (Grotto of the Redemption) 乃是鑲滿百萬顆珍貴寶石的手工建築群,描繪了基督的生平。
中西部因著肥沃農地和豐盛食物而聞名,愛荷華州也不例外。狄蒙市中心農夫市集 (Des Moines Downtown Farmers’ Market) 匯集了五顏六色的農產品。奧瑞特華萊士之家 (Wallace House) 的採集桌 (Gathering Table) 餐廳提供的菜單品項,用的都是當天現採的食材。愛荷華州是豬肉的主要生產州,因此可別放過地區特餐:裹上麵包粉的油炸豬里肌。另可在酪農場和老式的汽水店品嚐現做的起司和冰淇淋。或在全球頂級啤酒廠之一的推倒哥利亞 (Toppling Goliath Brewery) 點一品脫的啤酒;前往禁酒時代的鄧普頓黑麥威士忌 (Templeton Rye Whiskey) 蒸餾場細細啜飲它們的「好東西」。


The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (also known as RAGBRAI) is recognized as the oldest, largest and longest multi-day bicycle touring event in the world.

In 2017, Snake Alley in Burlington became the first USA landmark recognized by Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Odd Spots Across America campaign. The cobblestone road was recognized as a must-see for its “unbelievably crooked” path.

The Iowa State Fair is one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country and was included in the New York Times bestselling book “1,000 Places to See Before You Die.”

Iowa State Fair

John Deere Tractor & Engine Museum

Downtown Des Moines Farmers’ Market

Great River Road National Scenic Byway

Loess Hills National Scenic Byway

National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium

High Trestle Trail

Arnolds Park Amusement Park

Field of Dreams Movie Site

Bridges of Madison County
探索 愛荷華州 的旅遊景點